Efficient Ternary Quantization Mean Estimation for Distributed Learning
  • 演讲人: 毛晓军(上海交通大学,副教授)
  • 时间:2024年11月22日14:00(北京时间)
  • 地点:浙江大学紫金港校区行政楼1417报告厅

摘要:The increasing size of data has created a pressing need for communication and data privacy protection, which has spurred significant interest in quantization. This paper proposes a novel scheme for variance reduced correlated quantization that is designed for data with bounded support and distributed mean estimation. Our method is shown to achieve a theoretical reduction in mean square error for both fixed and randomized designs compared to the correlated quantization method under different levels and dimensions scenarios. We conducted several synthetic data experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach and to provide a good approximation of the reduced mean square error based on our theory. We further applied our proposed method to real-world data with different learning tasks, and it produced promising results.


个人简介:毛晓军,上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授。他的研究领域包括分布式统计推断,推荐系统和高维数据分析。主要研究成果发表于AOS, JASA, JMLR, IEEE (TIT, TSP, TIFS), ICML, NeurIPS, 《管理世界》等期刊及会议上。先后主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目、面上项目,入选第九届中国科协青年人才托举工程等。