Averaging principle and large deviation for multiple time-scale switching processes
  • 演讲人: 邵井海(天津大学应用数学中心 教授)
  • 时间:2022年05月15日 周日 14:30
  • 地点:腾讯会议 436-702-636
  • 主办单位:数据科学研究中心,统计学研究所

摘要:We investigate a system with two time-scales. The slow-scale system is described by a diffusion processes with small noise whose drifts and diffusion coefficients both depend on a fast-scale process. The fast-scale process is a continuous time jumping process on a finite state space, whose transition rates may depend on the slow-scale component. The slow-scale system approximates a deterministic dynamic system by averaging over the fast component. In this work we first provide conditions so that the averaging principle holds via a coupling method. Then, the large deviation principle is established using the nonlinear semigroup approach under two different slow-fast time-scale orders.


