2023 ZIBS International Admissions Series I: iMDS

The iMDS program introduces modern quantitative and data-driven techniques that are transforming modern businesses and organizations. We aim to train next generation data scientists equipped with practical skills for analyzing Big Data. The students in our program will learn how to exploit analytics tools to solve real-world challenges arising from a range of data-driven organizations in government, industry, and finance, among others. The program emphasizes project-based learning, through which students can acquire practical skills to make better AI decisions.

We are now recruiting for the 2023 international students! 

Academic Director

SUN Wenguang

Prof. Sun was a tenured full professor at the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC) prior to his appointment at ZJU. He has been awarded research funds multiple times, continuously from 2010 to 2022, from the National Science Foundation (NSF) as the principal investigator. He is the recipient of multiple awards, including the prestigious NSF CAREER Award, USC Dean’s award for research excellence and Golden Apple Best Teaching Award. His research interests include: Large-Scale Multiple Testing, Selective Inference, Empirical Bayes Methods, Conformal Inference, Fairness in Machine Learning, Transfer Learning and Statistical Decision Theory.


Basic Courses

Directional Courses

An Elementary Course of Data Science

Data Visualization

Modern Statistical Methods

Deep Learning

Causal Inference and Machine Learning

Data Modeling and Examples

Decision Making and Optimization

Introduction to Data Governance Techniques

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*Courses indicated above may subject to change

*Courses indicated above may subject to change

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+86 571 8757 2718

+86 571 8757 2711


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