Explaining and Predicting Peacekeeping Operations Effectiveness: A Collaborative Effort between Oxford University and Zhejiang University

Explaining and Predicting Peacekeeping Operations Effectiveness: A Collaborative Effort between Oxford University and Zhejiang University

The Department of Politics and International Relations at Oxford in collaboration with University Zhejiang University's Center for Data Science, has pioneered groundbreaking research focused on the effectiveness of peacekeeping operations (PKOs) from 1994 to 2019. Led by researchers Andrea Ruggeri (Oxford University) and Andre Python (Zhejiang University), this study utilizes interpretable machine learning algorithms to predict and explain conflict a year ahead, within 1x1 degree grid cells in countries that experienced PKOs. This work was presented at the United Nations in New York on 16 February 2023 in an internal meeting with the Early Warning Team of the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.

The research highlights the importance of quantifying the effects of PKOs on conflict in both space and time, enabling policymakers to design and implement efficient measures for conflict resolution. By employing Gini importance and accumulated local effects plots, the research team identified main conflict predictors and quantified their effects. The findings suggest a logarithmic association between time to PKOs and conflict risk, with larger effects observed when conflict in a grid cell may spill over into neighboring cells. The study also revealed an inverse U-shape pattern when the definition of conflict was restricted to one-sided violence. These insights have significant implications for refining theories linking peacekeeping operations and conflict, as well as providing guidance for policymakers on the ground.

This project serves as an excellent example of how theoretically-informed interpretable machine learning algorithms can be used to predict and explain complex forms of political violence at policy-relevant scales. Furthermore, the interpretability of these algorithms can foster trust between modelers and policymakers, a crucial factor for realizing the full potential of these promising techniques. Zhejiang University is proud to be a part of this impactful collaboration with Oxford University, contributing to our understanding of peacekeeping operations and their effects on conflict. As we continue to explore innovative ways to address global challenges, we remain committed to working together with leading institutions and researchers to make a meaningful difference in the world.


牛津大学政治与国际关系系与浙江大学数据科学中心合作,开展了一项关于1994年至2019年间维和行动(PKOs)有效性的开创性研究。该研究由研究员Andrea Ruggeri(牛津大学)和Andre Python(浙江大学)带领,利用可解释的机器学习算法预测和解释提前一年的冲突,针对在1x1度网格单元内经历PKOs的国家。这项工作于2023年2月16日在联合国纽约总部的一个内部会议上向联合国政治和和平建设事务部的预警团队介绍。

