- 演讲人: 赵冠岚
- 时间:2025年2月18日14:00
- 地点:浙江大学紫金港校区行政楼1417报告厅
报告文章:Adaptive conformal classification with noisy labels(Matteo Sesia, Y. X. Rachel Wang and Xin Tong)
摘要:This article develops a conformal prediction method for classification tasks that can adapt to random label contamination in the calibration sample, often leading to more informative prediction sets with stronger coverage guarantees compared to existing approaches. This is obtained through a precise characterization of the coverage inflation (or deflation) suffered by standard conformal inferences in the presence of label contamination, which is then made actionable through a new calibration algorithm. Our solution can leverage different modelling assumptions about the contamination process, while requiring no knowledge of the underlying data distribution or of the inner workings of the classification model. The empirical performance of the proposed method is demonstrated through simulations and an application to object classification with the CIFAR-10H image data set.