- 演讲人: 李钰洲
- 时间:2024年11日12日14:00
- 地点:浙江大学紫金港校区行政楼1417报告厅
报告文章:Statistical Inference for High-Dimensional Matrix-Variate Factor Models(Elynn Y. Chen and Jianqing Fan)
摘要:This paper considers the estimation and inference of the low-rank components in highdimensional matrix-variate factor models, where each dimension of the matrix-variates is comparable to or greater than the number of observations. We propose an estimation method called alpha-PCA that preserves the matrix structure and aggregates mean and contemporary covariance through a hyper-parameter alpha. We develop an inferential theory, establishing consistency, the rate of convergence, and the limiting distributions, under general conditions that allow for correlations across time, rows, or columns of the noise. We show both theoretical and empirical methods of choosing the best alpha, depending on the use-case criteria. Simulation results demonstrate the adequacy of the asymptotic results in approximating the finite sample properties. The alpha-PCA compares favorably with the existing ones. Finally, we illustrate its applications with a real numeric data set and two real image data sets. In all applications, the proposed estimation procedure outperforms previous methods in the power of variance explanation using out-of-sample 10-fold cross-validation.