  • 演讲人: 李泓毅
  • 时间:2024年10月8号14:00
  • 地点:浙江大学紫金港校区行政楼1417报告厅

报告文章:The Estimation of Prediction Error: Covariance Penalties and Cross-Validation 
(Bradley EFRON) 
摘要:Having constructed a data-based estimation rule, perhaps a logistic regression or a classification tree, the statistician would like to know its performance as a predictor of future cases. There are two main theories concerning prediction error: (1) penalty methods such as Cp, Akaike’s information criterion, and Stein’s unbiased risk estimate that depend on the covariance between data points and their corresponding predictions; and (2) cross-validation and related nonparametric bootstrap techniques. This article concerns the connection between the two theories. A Rao–Blackwell type of relation is derived in which nonparametric methods such as cross-validation are seen to be randomized versions of their covariance penalty counterparts. The model-based penalty methods offer substantially better accuracy, assuming that the model is believable.