2021年数据科学研究中心期刊论文一览表 | |||||
论文名称 | 第一作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表年月 | 刊物/会议名称 | 收录类型 |
A two-way transformed factor model for matrix-variate time series | Gao Zhaoxing | Tsay Ruey | 2021 | Econometrics and Statistics | SCI |
Combining Power of Different Methods to Detect Associations in Large Data Sets | He Li and Hangxiao Zhang | Hangjin Jiang | 2021 | Briefings in Bioinformatics | |
The Two-step Clustering Approach for Metastable States Learning | Hangjin Jiang | Xiaodan Fan | 2021 | International Journal of Molecular Sciences | |
Increased urbanization reduced the effectiveness of school closures on seasonal influenza epidemics in China | Hao Lei and Hangjin Jiang | Yuelong Shu | 2021 | Infectious Diseases of Poverty | |
Deep6mA: a deep learning framework explores similar patterns in DNA N6-methyladenine sites across different species | Zhutan Li and Hangjin Jiang | liangyun Zhang and Cong Pian | 2021 | PLoS Computational Biology | |
Kernel conjugate gradient methods with random projections | Junhong LIN | Junhong LIN | 2021 | Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis | SCI,EI |
A downscaling approach to compare COVID-19 count data from databases aggregated at different spatial scales | Andre Python | Andre Python | 2021 | JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETY | |
Predicting non-state terrorism worldwide | Andre Python | Andre Python | 2021.7 | Science Advances | SSCI,SCI,EI |
Answering Skyline Queries Over Incomplete Data With Crowdsourcing | Xiaoye Miao | Yunjun Gao | 2021.4 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING | SCI |
Generative Semi-supervised Learning for Multivariate Time Series Imputation | Xiaoye Miao | Jianwei Yin | 2021 | AAAI | CPCI-S |
Efficient and Effective Data Imputation with Influence Functions | Xiaoye Miao | Jianwei Yin | 2021.11 | PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT | SCI |
A Downscaling Approach to Compare COVID-19 Count Data from Databases Aggregated at Different Spatial Scales | Andre Python | Andre Python | 2021.9 | JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL STATISTICAL SOCIETY SERIES A-STATISTICS IN SOCIETY | SCI |
Towards Query Pricing on Incomplete Data (Extended Abstract) | Xiaoye Miao | Yunjun Gao | 2021 | ICDE: 2009 IEEE 25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3 | CPCI-S,EI |
Detect differentially methylated regions using non-homogeneous hidden Markov model for bisulfite | Yingyu Chen | Hangjin Jiang and Xiaodan Fan | 2021.5 | METHODS | SCI |