论文名称 | 第一作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表年月 | 刊物/会议名称 | 收录类型 |
On order determination by predictor augmentation | Luo Wei | Luo Wei | 2020 | Biometrika | SCI |
Reliable Weighted Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation | Renjun Xu | Renjun Xu | 2020.6.14 | IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) | EI |
Joint Partial Optimal Transport for Open Set Domain Adaptation | Renjun Xu | Renjun Xu | 2020.7.11 | Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) | EI |
Modeling Dynamic Missingness of Implicit Feedback for Sequential Recommendation | Xiaolin Zheng | Renjun Xu | 2020.03.13 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | |
Convergences of Regularized Algorithms and Stochastic Gradient Methods with Random Projections. | Junhong Lin | Junhong Lin | 2020.02 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | SCI |
Optimal convergence for distributed learning with stochastic gradient methods and spectral algorithms | Junhong Lin | Junhong Lin | 2020.09 | Journal of Machine Learning Research | SCI |
Iterative hard thresholding for compressed data separation | Song Li | Junhong Lin | 2020.06 | Journal of Complexity | SCI |
Bayesian Revisit of the Relationship between the Total Field Strength and the Volume Density of Interstellar Clouds. | Hangjin Jiang | Hua-bai Li and Xiaodan Fan | 2020.2.24 | The Astrophysical Journal | SCI |
A Consistent Variable Screening Procedure with Family-wise Error Control. | Hangjin Jiang | Xiaodan Fan | 2020.2.5 | Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation | SCI |
Consistent Screening Procedures in High-dimensional Binary Classification. | Hangjin Jiang | Xiaodan Fan | 2020.5 | Statistica Sinica | SCI |
Detect Differentially Methylated Regions Using Non-homogeneous Hidden Markov Model for Bisulfite Sequencing Data. | Yingyu Chen | Hangjin Jiang and Xiaodan Fan | 2020.9 | Methods | SCI |
Provoking Ordinary People: The Effects of Terrorism on Civilian Violence | Jürgen Brandsch, André Python | Jürgen Brandsch | 2020.07 | Journal of Conflict Resolution | SSCI |
A hybrid data cleaning framework using Markov logic networks | 葛丛丛 | 苗晓晔, 高云君 | 2020.6 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (CCF A类国际期刊) | SCI |
Towards query pricing on incomplete data | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2020.9 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (CCF A类国际期刊) | SCI |
Answering skyline queries over incomplete data with crowdsourcing (Extended Abstract) | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2020.4 | Proceeding of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (CCF A类国际会议), Poster | EI |
Generative semi-supervised learning for multivariate time series imputation | 苗晓晔 | 尹建伟 | 2020.12 | Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (CCF A类国际会议) | EI |
Provoking Ordinary People: The Effects of Terrorism on Civilian Violence | Brandsch, Juergen | Andre Python | JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION | ||
Government Revenue and Child and Maternal Mortality | Python, Andre等 | OPEN ECONOMIES REVIEW | SSCI | ||
Collaborative topological filtering with multi-hop recurrent pathological aggregation | Miao, Xiaoye等 | 2020-07-08 | KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS | SCI,EI | |
Global estimation of anti-malarial drug effectiveness for the treatment of uncomplicatedPlasmodium falciparummalaria 1991-2019 | Python, Andre等 | 2020-10-20 | MALARIA JOURNAL | SCI | |
Matching Using Sufficient Dimension Reduction for Causal Inference | Luo, Wei | 2020-10-01 | JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS | SSCI,SCI | |
On Efficiently Monitoring Continuous Aggregate k Nearest Neighbors in Road Networks | Miao, Xiaoye | 2020-07-01 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING | SCI,EI |