论文名称 | 第一作者 | 通讯作者 | 发表年月 | 刊物/会议名称 | 收录类型 |
Matching using sufficient dimension reduction for causal inference. | Luo Wei | Zhu Yeying | 2019 | Journal of Business and Economic Statistics | SCI |
Learning heterogeneity in causal inference using sufficient dimension reduction. | Luo Wei | Zhu Yeying | 2019 | Journal of Causal Inference | SCI |
Optimizing quality for probabilistic skyline computation and probabilistic similarity search (Extended Abstract) | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2019.4 | Proceeding of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (CCF A类国际会议), Poster | EI |
On efficiently answering why-not range-based skyline queries in road networks (Extended Abstract) | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2019.4 | Proceeding of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE) (CCF A类国际会议), Poster | EI |
On efficiently monitoring continuous aggregate k nearest neighbors in road networks | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2019.4 | IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (CCF A类国际期刊) | SCI |
Answering skyline queries over incomplete data with crowdsourcing | 苗晓晔 | 高云君 | 2019.1 | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (CCF A类国际期刊) | SCI |