Manifold Principle Component Analysis for Large-Dimensional Matrix Elliptical Factor Model
  • 演讲人: 张新生(复旦大学,教授)
  • 时间:2022年05月17日 周二 14:30(北京时间)
  • 地点:腾讯会议750-581-912
  • 主办单位:数据科学研究中心,统计学研究所

摘要:Matrix factor model has been growing popular in scientific fields such as econometrics, which serves as a two-way dimension reduction tool for matrix sequences. In this article, we for the first time propose the matrix elliptical factor model, which can better depict the possible heavy tailed property of matrix-valued data especially in finance. Manifold Principle Component Analysis (MPCA) is for the first time introduced to estimate the row/column loading spaces. MPCA first performs Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for each “local” matrix observation and then averages the local estimated spaces across all observations, while the existing ones such as 2-dimensional PCA first integrates data across observations and then does eigenvalue decomposition of the sample covariance matrices. We propose two versions of MPCA algorithms to estimate the factor loading matrices robustly, without any moment constraints on the factors and the idiosyncratic errors. Theoretical convergence rates of the corresponding estimators of the factor loading matrices, factor score matrices and common components matrices are derived under mild conditions. We also propose robust estimators of the row/column factor numbers based on the eigenvalue-ratio idea, which are proven to be consistent. Numerical studies and real example on financial returns data check the flexibility of our model and the validity of our MPCA methods.

This is a joint work with ZeYu Li, Yong He and Xinbing Kong.


