- 演讲人: 周勇教授(中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 华东师范大学经管学部统计交叉科学研究院)
- 时间:2019年05月10日 星期五上午9:00-
- 地点:紫金港校区管理学院行政楼14楼1417报告厅
- 主办单位:浙江大学数学科学学院统计学研究所、浙江大学数据科学研究中心
Statistical Inference for Big-data with its Applications
Yong Zhou
Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Science
Institute of Statistics and interdisciplinary sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, 200241
Abstract: Currently, it is strongly needed to develop both fundamental theories and applied methods for analyzing big-data. Furthermore, efficient algorithms are also needed for applications in internet financial risk management, market behavior and decisions under high frequency trades, and so on. In this proposal, our research focuses on statistical inferences and computing algorithms based on dimension reduction of high-dimensional data. We develop new methods based on divide-conquer for data set with huge sample size. Statistical inferences and computing algorithms based on dimension reduction of high-dimensional financial data are proposed. These topics emphasize on models, methods and computation for financial big-data analysis.
联系人: 张立新教授 stazlx@zju.edu.cn
周勇教授主要从事大数据分析与建模、金融计量、风险管理、计量经济学、统计理论和方法等科学研究工作,取得许多有重要学术价值和影响的研究成果。先后承担并完成国家自然科学基金项目,国家杰出青年基金,自然科学基金委重点项目等科学项目10余项,曾获得省部级奖励二项。在包括国际顶级统计学和经济计量学杂志《The Annals of Statistics》、《Journal of The American Statistical Association》,《Biometrika》,《Journal of Econometrics》和《Journal of Business & Economic Statistics》等上发表学术论文近200篇。