2024 International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science
  • 时间:July 8 -- July 10, 2024
  • 地点:Xixi Hotel(杭州西溪宾馆)
  • 主办单位:Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University

2024 International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science will be held in Hangzhou (中国杭州) from July 8 to July 10, 2024. Center for Data Science of Zhejiang University was established in May 2017, with the aim of promoting the theory and applications of data science. Internationally renowned experts in data science will deliver keynote speeches and invited talks during this conference, highlighting major theoretical breakthroughs, displaying the latest advances in technology innovation and applications, and exploring opportunities and challenges for development in data science.


Theme: Raising the Impact of Data Science Research: from Theory to Practice

Date:  Registration on July 8, 2024 (10:00 – 21:00) *Dinner will be provided before 8 p.m. to those paid registration fee.

           Short Course on July 8, 2024 (13:00-17:30)

           Conference on July 9 -- July 10, 2024;

Venue: Conference & Registration at Hangzhou Xixi Hotel (杭州西溪宾馆)


Organized by the Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University

Operated by Hangzhou Qizhen Exhibition Service Co., Ltd


1. Program Committee


Tianxi Cai

Harvard University (Chair)

Rui Duan

Harvard University

Zijian Guo

Rutgers University

Boris Hejblum

University of Bordeaux

Junwei Lu

Harvard University 

Layla Parast

University of Texas at Austin


 Advisory Committee


Jianfei Cai

Monash University

Tianxi Cai

Harvard University

Tony Cai
University of Pennsylvania(Chair)

Lu Tian

Stanford University

Yazhen Wang

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ming Yuan

Columbia University

Heping Zhang

Yale University


Local Organizing Committee


Yifan Cui

     Zhejiang University

Wei Luo

     Zhejiang University

Xiaoye Miao

     Zhejiang University

Andre Python

     Zhejiang University (Chair)

Wenguang Sun

     Zhejiang University


2. Important Dates

  • Early Bird Deadline:  May 15th, 2024
  • Abstract Submission Deadline:  June 25th, 2024
  • Hotel Reservation Deadline:  July 1st, 2024



(Updated on July 5th)

2024 International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science Program Book

July 8th, Monday
10:00-21:00RegistrationXixi Hotel
13:00-15:00Short Course:
Federated Learning
Meizhu Hall
Instructor: Rui Duan,
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
15:30-17:30Short Course:
Data Visualization and Reproducibility
Meizhu Hall
Instructor: Kimberly Zhang, Microsoft Inc,
Ming Yang, SZMS Technology,
Tim CD Lucas, University of Leicester
July 9th, Tuesday
8:30-8:40Opening CeremonyXixi Hall
Chair: Andre Python
8:40-9:30Keynote Speech
Peter L. Bühlmann
Title:Causality-inspired Statistical Machine LearningXixi Hall
Chair: Tony Cai
9:30-10:20Keynote Speech
Huazhen Lin
Title: Deep Regression Learning with Optimal Loss FunctionXixi Hall
Chair: Wenguang Sun
10:20-11:00Tea Break
11:00 - 12:40Emerging Challenges and Innovations in Causal InferenceStatistical Analysis on Complex DataRecent Advances in Transfer Learning, Federated Learning and Causal DiscoveryRecent developments in large-scale and high-dimensional inferenceAnalysis of High-dimensional and High-order DataStatistical learning meets causal inference: Modern theory and methods
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Rui DuanChair: Heping ZhangChair: Yang NingChair: Wenguang SunChair: Anru ZhangChair: Larry Han
Organizer: Rui DuanOrganizer: Heping ZhangOrganizer: Yang NingOrganizer: Wenguang SunOrganizer: Anru ZhangOrganizer: Larry Han
Wenjie HuWenliang PanJiwei ZhaoWeijie SuJianbin TanLarry Han
Kaizheng WangLong FengYang NingYin XiaShan LuoYige Li
Xiao WuCanhong WenSai LiLinjun ZhangYuefeng HanLars van der Laan
Xiaofei WangTing LiZhou ZhouAnru ZhangLuke Keele
13:30 - 15:10Data Science for Transcriptomic Data AnalysisRecent Progress in Causal InferenceAnalysis of Complex Data, Some Recent AdvancesLearning Algorithms in Computational SciencesStudies on Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs in MedicineStatistical Principles in Modern Biomedical Research
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Andre PythonChair: Zijian GuoChair: Cun-Hui ZhangChair: Yuan CaoChair: Sheng YuChair: Rong Ma
Organizer: Boris HejblumOrganizer: Zijian GuoOrganizer:Cun-Hui ZhangOrganizer: Yuan CaoOrganizer: Sheng YuOrganizer: Rong Ma
YingYing WeiRuoyu WangJian HuangCong FangXuezhong ZhouJingshu Wang
Yi YangXinwei ShenQiyang HanYunwen LeiLe BaoQi Long
Zhe LiBen DaiCun-Hui ZhangPengkun YangShan GaoYao Zhang
Xuekui ZhangYumou QiuDifan ZouSheng YuChangxiao Cai
15:10 - 15:30Tea Break
15:30 - 17:10Modern Challenges in Statistical Inferences: From Non-Causal to CausalLearning and Decision-making Based on Heterogeneous DataPractical Statistical Inference to Inform Precision MedicineAdvanced Techniques in Data AnalyticsStatistical Learning Methods for Complex DataMethod and Theory for Generative AI
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Wei HuangChair: Kaizheng WangChair: Layla ParastChair: Zhao ChenChair: Wenzhuo ZhouChair:Andre Python
Organizer: Wei HuangOrganizer: Kaizheng WangOrganizer: Layla ParastOrganizer: Zhao ChenOrganizer: Yifan CuiOrganizer: Qiang Liu
Susan WeiRong MaEmily HsiaoSiqi SunRui PanJian Li
Pavel KrupskiyYichen ZhangFatema Shafie KhorassaniLuo LuoYuhao WangCheng Zhang
Matteo BonviniXiaojie MaoAmanda GlazerSiming ChenYuehan YangChongxuan Li
Shiyuan HeYaqi DuanZijun GaoWenzhuo Zhou
Xixi Hall (西溪厅)
July 10th, Wednesday
9:00 - 10:00Panel DiscussionPeter L. Bühlmann, Tianxi Cai, Yazhen Wang, Ming Yuan, Heping ZhangTitle: Future Direction of Data Science Research in the Rise of AIXixi Hall (西溪厅)
10:00 - 10:40Tea Break
10:40 - 12:20Recent Advances in Statistical Network AnalysisAnalysis of Complex Dependent and High-dimensional DataRecent Developments of Changepoint DetectionExploring Complex Data Landscapes: EHR and AI Innovations in Clinical ResearchRecent Advances in Causal Learning and Statistical Learning with SparsityRecent Advances in Distribution-free Inference
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Hengrui CaiChair: Han XiaoChair: Yazhen WangChair: Chuan HongChair: Gemma MoranChair: Zhimei Ren
Organizer: Ji ZhuOrganizer: Han XiaoOrganizer: Zhou YuOrganizer: Chuan HongOrganizer: Gemma MoranOrganizer: Zhimei Ren
Danyang HuangChing-Kang IngFeiyu JiangHulin WuJiaqi ZhangShuangning Li
Tianxi LiHan XiaoGuanghui WangRicardo HenaoHengrui CaiYing Jin
Xiaoyue NiuDan YangWeichi WuYucong LinXin BingYu Gui
Wanjie WangTing ZhangXuehu ZhuChuan HongGemma MoranCong Ma
13:30 - 15:10Scalable and Advanced Techniques in StatisticsStatistical and Machine Learning InferenceRecent Advances in Causal Inference and DiscoveryRecent Advances in Statistical GeneticsRecent Statistical Developments for Precision MedicineRecent Progress in Machine Learning
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Xudong LiChair: Jia GuChair: Matteo BonviniChair: Rui DuanChair: Ruoqing ZhuChair: Zijian Guo
Organizer: Xudong LiOrganizer: Jinchi LvOrganizer: Matteo BonviniOrganizer: Rui DuanOrganizer: Yifan CuiOrganizer: Zijian Guo
Yangjing ZhangLan GaoYuming ZhangLiyang SongXinyi LiXin Xiong
Xiaojun MaoZhao RenWei HuangZilin LiYiyun LuoNian Si
Yuling JiaoSongshan YangLin LiuTian GeRuoqing ZhuJuntong Chen
Zemin ZhengArmeen TaebTianying WangTian-Zuo WangMinge Xie
15:10 - 15:30Tea Break
15:30 - 17:10Advanced Methods and Theories in AITopics in Adaptive ExperimentationsAdvancements in Optimization for Machine LearningNovel Machine Learning and Statistical Methods for Spatial GenomicsAdvanced Methods in MedicineMachine learning and Financial Econometrics
Xixi Hall A
Xixi Hall B
Dongwan Hall A
Dongwan Hall B
Meishu Hall
Meizhu Hall
Chair: Dan WangChair: Koulik KhamaruChair: Yingzhou LiChair: Siyuan MaChair: Emily HsiaoChair: Yazhen Wang
Organizer: Dan WangOrganizer: Koulik KhamaruOrganizer:Yingzhou LiOrganizer: Siyuan MaOrganizer: Emily Hsiao&Andre PythonOrganizer: Yazhen Wang
Ke ZhuKoulik KhamaruKe WeiHao WuLayla ParastXiangyu Cui
Zhanrui CaiWenlong MouCheng ChengRuibin XiXiao TanDi Wang
Yuan CaoZhenyu WangTao LuoSiyuan MaTim CD LucasLequan Yu
Tianyu WangShouhao ZhouHuiling Yuan

4. Keynote Speech


Peter L. Bühlmann

ETH Zürich

Title: Causality-inspired Statistical Machine Learning


Reliable, robust and interpretable machine learning is a big emerging theme in data science and statistics, complementing the development of pure black box prediction algorithms. New connections between distributional robustness, external validity and causality provide methodological paths for improving the reliability and understanding of machine learning algorithms, with wide-ranging prospects for various applications.

Huazhen Lin

New Cornerstone Science Laboratory,

Center of Statistical Research and School of Statistics,

Southwestern University of Finance and Economics


Title: Deep regression learning with optimal loss function*


In this paper, we develop a novel efficient and robust nonparametric regression estimator under a framework of a feedforward neural network (FNN). There are several interesting characteristics for the proposed estimator. First, the loss function is built upon an estimated maximum likelihood function, which integrates the information from observed data as well as the information from the data structure. Consequently, the resulting estimator has desirable optimal properties, such as efficiency. Second, different from the traditional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), the proposed method avoids the specification of the distribution and thus is flexible to any kind of distribution, such as heavy tails and multimodal or heterogeneous distributions. Third, the proposed loss function relies on probabilities rather than direct observations as in least square loss, hence contributing to the robustness of the proposed estimator. Finally, the proposed loss function involves a nonparametric regression function only. This enables the direct application of the existing packages, simplifying the computational and programming requirements. We establish the large sample property of the proposed estimator in terms of its excess risk and minimax near-optimal rate. The theoretical results demonstrate that the proposed estimator is equivalent to the true MLE where the density function is known. Our simulation studies show that the proposed estimator outperforms the existing methods in terms of prediction accuracy, efficiency and robustness. Particularly, it is comparable to the true MLE and even gets better as the sample size increases. This implies that the adaptive and data-driven loss function from the estimated density may offer an additional avenue for capturing valuable information. We further apply the proposed method to four real data examples, resulting in significantly reduced out-of-sample prediction errors compared to existing methods.

*Joint work with Xuancheng Wang and Ling Zhou

5.Short Course

July 8th, 1:00-5:30 p.m

Meizhu Hall

1.      Federated learning(1:00~3:00 p.m

Rui Duan

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics 

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Title: Principles and Practices of Federated Learning: Methods, Challenges, and Case Studies

Abstract: In many areas, data has been collected in a decentralized way and federated learning emerges as an important methodology for training statistical and machine learning models without the need to centralize data. In this short course, we will delve into the fundamental principles and state-of-the-art techniques of federated learning. We will introduce practical considerations and challenges, including privacy concerns and communication barriers, within real-world scenarios. Additionally, we will discuss innovative strategies to enhance the effectiveness and applicability of federated learning. We will explore case studies that demonstrate the application of federated learning in biomedical research, aimed at facilitating multi-institutional data integration and collaboration.


2.      Data visualization and reproducibility3:30~5:30 p.m

Subtitle: Have a Shiny Day!

Topic: Mini-course on R Shiny for data visualization and reproducibility


1. Introduction to the mini-course; Andre Python, ZJU100 Young Professor, Zhejiang University; 5 minutes

2. Introduction to R Shiny; Tutor: Kimberly Zhang, Senior Data Scientist, Microsoft; 45 minutes

3. Shiny scalability; Tutor: Yang Ming, Data Scientist, SZMS Technology; 45 minutes

4. Shiny reproducibility; Tutor: Tim CD Lucas, Lecturer, University of Leicester ; 20 minutes

6. Accommodation


Xixi Hotel(杭州西溪宾馆)


Hangzhou Xixi Hotel is located in the northwest corner of Xixi wetland. The grand and elegant hotel main building is built in the forest. The rooms are designed to be warm and elegant, eqquiped with a variety of comfortable and pleasant facilities, and the view of the West River outside the window is pure and unworldly. Whether indoors or outdoors, guests can relax in the stream, grass, and trees of Xixi.


Fee: 600/650/750/800 RMB per room per night (Breakfast included)

*Please book the rooms online after registration before July 1st, 2024.


7. Registration&Submission

Please register on this website and submit abstract online by June 25.


境内单位参会人员注册通道(Mainland of China



境外单位参会人员注册通道(Outside of the Chinese Mainland





Academic Contacts: 

Su, Weina (Zhejiang University)

Tel: +86-0571-88208268

E-mail: suweina@zju.edu.cn


NiuQian(Zhejiang University)

Tel: +86-0571-88208302

E-mail: niuqian@zju.edu.cn


Meeting ContactsHotel Reservation:

Zhan, Yanmin (Qizhen Exhibition)

Tel: +86-0571-88177983

E-mail: qizhenhz@zju.edu.cn



Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University