2023 Hangzhou International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science
  • 时间:2023年8月20日-8月22日
  • 地点:杭州西溪宾馆(西湖区文二西路803号)
  • 主办单位:浙江大学数据科学研究中心

2023 Hangzhou International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science


2023 Hangzhou International Conference on Frontiers of Data Science will be held in Hangzhou (中国杭州) from August 20 to August 22, 2023. Center for Data Science of Zhejiang University was established in May 2017, with the aim of promoting the theory and applications of data science. Internationally renowned experts in data science will deliver keynote speeches and invited talks during this conference, highlighting major theoretical breakthroughs, displaying the latest advances in technology innovation and applications, and exploring opportunities and challenges for development in data science.


Date:  Registration on August 20, 2023 (14:00 – 21:00)

              Conference on August 21 -- August 22, 2023;

Venue: Conference & Registration at Hangzhou Xixi Hotel (杭州西溪宾馆)


Organized by the Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University

Operated by Hangzhou Qizhen Exhibition Service Co., Ltd


1.         Conference Theme: Innovation with high dimensional statistics and machine learning


2.         Committee

Programming Committee

Jianfei Cai

Monash University

Tony Cai

University of Pennsylvania

Tianxi Cai

Harvard University

Lu Tian

Stanford University

Yazhen Wang

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ming Yuan

Columbia University (Chair)

Heping Zhang

Yale University


Local Organizing Committee

Yifan Cui

Zhejiang University (Chair)

Junhong Lin

Zhejiang University

Wei Luo

Zhejiang University

Andre Python

Zhejiang University

Wenguang Sun

Zhejiang University


3.         Special Lectures


Martin Wainwright

Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT

Martin Wainwright is the Cecil H. Green Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics at MIT, and affiliated with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems and Statistics and Data Science Center.

Wainwright is broadly interested in statistics, machine learning, information theory and optimization. He has received a number of awards and recognition including an Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship, best paper awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the IEEE Communications Society, and the IEEE Information Theory and Communication Societies, the Medallion Lectureship and Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the COPSS Presidents’ Award from the Joint Statistical Societies. He was a Section Lecturer with the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014 and received the Blackwell Award from the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in 2017. He has co-authored several books, including on graphical models with Michael Jordan, on sparse statistical modeling with Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani, and a solo-authored book on high dimensional statistics.


 Song Xi Chen

Peking University

Songxi Chen (Chinese: 陈松蹊), Chair Professor of Peking University; Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the American Statistical Association and the American Association for the Advancement of Science; Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute; Scientific Secretary of the Bernoulli Society.


4. program(Updated on August 20, 2023)

5. Accommodation

The participants will pay for his/her expenses in accommodation during the conference. The following rooms can be selected according to the budget.

*Please book on the conference webpage before August 10. The number of each room type is limited.


(1) Room A (2 single beds)

Fee: 500 RMB each room each night (Breakfast included)


(2) Room B (1 queen bed)

Fee: 650 RMB each room each night (Breakfast included)


(3) Room C (1 queen bed)

Fee: 950 RMB each room each night (Breakfast included)


(4) Room D (1 queen bed)

Fee: 1250 RMB each room each night (Breakfast included)

6. Registration&Submission

境内单位参会人员注册通道(Mainland China



境外单位参会人员注册通道(Outside of Mainland China




7.Program Book


8. Contact

Academic Contacts: 

Su, Weina (Zhejiang University)

Tel: +86-0571-88208268

E-mail: suweina@zju.edu.cn

Niu,Qian (Zhejiang University)

Tel: +86-0571-88208302

E-mail: niuqian@zju.edu.cn

Meeting ContactsHotel Reservation:

Wu, Xiaomeng (Qizhen Exhibition)

Tel: +86-0571-88177983

E-mail: qizhenhz@zju.edu.cn



Center for Data Science, Zhejiang University

May 1st, 2023